
XXXVI; 494 Seiten; 23,5 cm. Goldgepr., illustr. Originalleinenband.


Gutes Exemplar; Einband berieben u. m. Lagerspuren; stw. mit kl. Läsuren; wenige Seiten z. Tl. gering fleckig. - Mary Stewart-Cholmondely (gewidmet). - Englisch. - INHALT : ... HOW WEALTH ACCUMULATES AND MEN DECAY --- Personal helplessness produced by division of labor. Illustration from pin manufacture. Optimism of Adam Smith. The various qualifications and accomplishments of the complete individual craftsman. The relative incompetence and ignorance of the employed through division of labor. Total technical ignorance of the machine minder. Misgivings of Oliver Goldsmith, Ruskin, and Morris. The remedy not retrogression but equal distribution of the leisure made possible by mass production. Ignorance and helplessness as great in the modern household as in the factory. --- DISABLEMENT ABOVE AND BELOW --- As the disablement does not extend to the workers' leisure it is important that they should have plenty of it. Unfortunately it is as ill distributed as income, the tendency of Capitalism being to separate the population into a class doing all the work with no leisure and a class doing no work and having all the leisure. The feudal system avoided this by placing all the public services on the shoulders of the landlords. The transfer of these services to a bureaucracy leaves the proprietary or capitalist class even more completely disabled than the proletariat for the conduct of industry. This disablement increases with the development of capitalist civilization, and may be regarded as a function of it. --- THE MIDDLE STATION IN LIFE --- The industrial disablement of the proletariat and the proprietariat necessitates the intervention of a middle class to direct industrial operations and transact the business they involve. How this necessity was met. Primogeniture. The propertyless younger sons. The professions. The men of business. The clerks. The breakdown of the monopoly of education by the middle class now opens it to capable proletarians as well as to younger sons and their descendants. The resultant hardening of the lot of the younger sons. The propertyless daughters. Opening of the professions to them. Woman's natural monopoly of housekeeping. It creates not only a Woman Question but a Man Question. --- DECLINE OF THE EMPLOYER --- The employer was master of the situation in the days of small firms with modest capitals. Modern big business has outgrown their resources. Joint stock companies have succeeded to firms, and Trusts to joint stock companies. Multiple shops are conquering the retail trade. Enormous capitals now required. --- (u.v.v.a.m.)