
Für Sopran- und Mezzosopran-Solo, zwei gemischte Chöre und Orchester / For soprano and mezzo soprano solo, two mixed choruses and orchestra. 1963/65.. Schmal Gr. 2° (54 x 27 cm). (2) 49 S. OBr., 1


1. Ausgabe. Mit eigenhändiger Widmung des Komponisten (1923-2006). Text deutsch und englisch. Ligeti was already interested in the text of the Requiem especially in Dies Irae when he got the commission from the Swedish Radio's Contemporary Music concert series to compose Requiem in 1963. He finished the four parts (Introitus, Kyrie, Dies Irae, Lacrimosa) in 1965. In the same year it was premiered in Stockholm. Won the first prize of the International Society of Contemporary Music and the Berlin Prize for this composition.Parts of the composition appeared in Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey and in Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. György Ligeti (1923-2006) was a Hungarian (Transylvanian) born composer. Studied at the Music Academy of Cluj and Budapest. After his graduation he started to collect folk music in Romania and taught composing and counterpointing at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. He left Hungary after the revolution in 1956, and started to work at the radio station in Cologne where he made acquaintance with Karlheinz Stockhausen who had a major influence on his art. In 1959 settled down in Vienna and became citizen in 1967. Taught at the Universities of Darmstadt, Stockholm, Stanford and Hamburg. Under the influence of Stockhausen he started to compose music for electronic instruments like Artikulation and Atmosphères. This gave him reputation in the Western European music scene. After these works he gave up composing electronic music but his experiences with such instruments made and effect on his later compositions. His music could be characterised as a mixture of Western avant-garde music and Hungarian folk music combined with sense of humour and absurd. Ligeti's pieces (Lontano, Lux Aeterna, Requiem) were used as film music - among others - in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut also in Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island.