
XXII; 347 S.; Kt.; sowie viele Zeichnungen u. Abb. auf Tafelseiten; 29,5 cm. Originalleinen mit illustr. Schutzumschlag.


Gutes Ex.; Umschlag berieben u. m. kl. Läsuren; vorderes Vorsatz nachgedunkelt. - Englisch. - Sir John Eric Sidney Thompson (* 31. Dezember 1898 in London; ? 9. September 1975 in Cambridge) war ein britischer Anthropologe und wird als einer der Pioniere der Maya-Forschung betrachtet. Nach ihm ist die sogenannte Thompson-Korrelation benannt - eine Korrelation zwischen dem Maya-Kalender der klassischen Zeit und dem Gregorianischen Kalender. Bei der Entzifferung der Maya-Schrift galt Thompson lange Zeit als Gegenspieler von Tatiana Proskouriakoff und Juri Knorosow, die wesentliche Grundlagen zu Datierungsfragen bzw. zur Entzifferung der Maya-Schrift gelegt hatten. Da er Knorosows Forschungsergebnisse als marxistische Propaganda bezeichnete, diskreditierte Thompson Knorosows Arbeit, indem er Schwächen in dieser Arbeit nutzte, um das gesamte Werk als falsch abzutun. Dies führte dazu, dass die Entdeckungen Knorosows im Westen mehrheitlich nicht akzeptiert wurden. Nach Thompsons Tod setzten sich Knorosows Annahmen jedoch allmählich durch und bildeten die Grundlage für die weiteren Entzifferungen des Maya-Schriftsystems. Im Jahr 1959 wurde er zum Mitglied (Fellow) der British Academy gewählt. ? (wiki) // INHALT (Auszug) : ... Principles of Maya Glyphic Writing ---- Glyph Styles. ---- Regional Glyphs. ---- Regional Methods of Fixing Dates. ---- The Burden of Time. ---- Maya Poetry. ---- Subject Matter of Hieroglyphic Texts. ---- Inscribed Texts. ---- Written Codices. ---- THE CYCLE OF 260 DAYS. ---- Glyphs for Days. ---- Day Names. ---- Meanings of Day Names. ---- Influences of Day Names. ---- Influences of Day Numbers. ---- Ritualism of Days. ---- Divinity of the Days. ---- Names of the 260-day Cycle and of its Divisions. ---- Range of 260-day Cycle. ---- Origin of 260-day Cycle. ---- Ritualistic and Divinatory Divisions of the Sacred Almanac ---- Starting Point of 260-day Cycle. ---- Summary. ---- THE YEAR OF 365 DAYS. ---- Names of the Months. ---- Patrons of the Months. ---- Meanings of Names or Glyphs of Months. ---- Numbering Days of Months. ---- Seating of Months. ---- The Last Day of the Month. ---- Handling of Leap Days. ---- Names of the Year and its Divisions. ---- The Cycle of Fifty-Two Years. ---- Position of Month Glyph. ---- The Year Bearers. ---- Functions of Year Bearers. ---- Concept of Burden. ---- Location of Year Bearers. ---- Correlation of Year Bearers with European Years ---- Shifts in Year Bearers. ---- Grouping of Year Bearers. ---- Summary. ---- METHODS OF RECORDING NUMBERS. ---- Bars and Dots. ---- Head Variants: One to Nineteen. ---- Symbolic Variants: One to Nineteen. ---- Completion (or Zero? ?). ---- Glyph for Twenty ---- (u.v.v.a.) // ILLUSTRATIONEN : The journey of time. - Map of the Maya area. - Glyph formations. - Clauses. - Clauses and variable affixes. - Interchangeability of elements of the count group of affixes. - Day signs: Imix to Kan. - Day signs: Chicchan to Lamat. - Day signs: Muluc to Eb. - Day signs: Ben to Cib. - Day signs: Caban to Ahau. - Ahau {continued) and sundry glyphs. - Derivations of day signs: Imix to Akbal. Affixes. - Derivations of day signs: Kan to Manik. - Derivations of day signs: Lamat to Caban. - Derivations of day signs: Etz'nab to Ahau. - Month signs: Pop to Xul. - Month signs: Yaxkin to Ceh. - Month signs: Mac to Kayab. - Month signs: Cumku and Uayeb, ends of months, and searings of months and years. - Symbol for black and the associations ot the Moan bird and spiral with water. - Old earth god and other deities associated with the conch shell. - Initial Series introductory glyphs: variable elements Pop to Yax. - Initial Series introductory glyphs: variable elements Zac to Cumku and examples of - complete glyphs. - Heads for numbers i through 10. - Heads for numbers n through 19 and for completion, numerical heads in Codex - Dresden, and symbols for numbers. - Geometric (or symbolic) forms of period glyphs. - Head (personified) forms of period glyphs. - Full-figure glyphs of baktun, katun, and tun, and coefficients. - Full-figure glyphs of uinal, kin, and lunar series, and coefficients. - Specialized glyphs in distance numbers. - Specialized glyphs for kin and sky symbols. - Period Ending signs. - Glyphs associated with Period Endings and anniversaries. - Glyphs G and F of the lunar scries. - 819-day count and month position shift. - Lunar series: Glyph C coefficients absent or 2 to 4. - Lunar series: Glyph C coefficients 5 and 6. - Dates at Chichen Itza and neighboring sites. - Dates at Chichen Itza and neighboring sites (continued). - Imix with varying affixes and in compound glyphs. - Directional and color glyphs. - (u.a.) // TAFELN : Numbers in various Maya languages. -- Section of 260-day cycle. -- Day names in various Maya languages. -- Meanings, auguries and gods of the days. -- Good and bad days. -- Distribution of days other than Period Endings on the monuments. -- Frequencies of days within groups. -- Names of months in various Maya languages. -- The months, their patrons, and their possible associations. -- Dates recorded as twentieth day of month. -- Yucatec year bearers. -- List of dates with their anniversaries. -- Records of dates by Yucatecan method. -- Countenances of the katuns. -- Relationship of lords of nights with the 260-day cycle (Dresden 30C-33C). -- The 819-day cycle and its associations. -- Scheme of the Venus cycle on Dresden 46-50. -- Multiples of Venus revolutions on Dresden 24. -- Relationships of various water symbols. -- Prognostications for days in almanacs. -- Determinants of 8 Cumku. -- Determinants of 8 Cumku near Calendar Round anniversaries.