
23 : 15,5 cm. With 6 booklets. Original cardboard portfolio. Portfolio with 6 prints by The Typophiles.


Portfolio of the Typophiles for the dinner party given for the british book-designer and author Beatrice Ward how wrote under the pseudonym of Paul Beaujon. There were published only very few portfolios of this type, of this then young society of book-designers, authors and book-lovers, under the leadership of Pau. A. Bennett. They were all designed and produced by and for the members of the club. Contains: Paul A. Bennett Greetings - Paul Beujon Betrice Warde - The battle of the Century Beaujon verses Typophiles - Beatrice L. Warde Printing should be invisible - Stags and a few Dears A Souvenir - Alicis Paul Beaujon A portriat of him. - Very rare.