
XXIII, 826 S., XLI, 596 S. + 26 Mikrofiches in eingebundenem, ausklappbaren Köcher. Gr. 8° (24,5x18x10cm), roter Leinen-Einband mit Goldprägung.


Zustand: Beide Bände sehr gut, neuwertig. - Edited by Peter Schreiner and Renate Söhnen. Transliterated text and Sanskrit indices on mikrofiches. (Purâna Research Publications; Zwei Bände: Sanskrit Indices and Text of the Brahmapurâna - Summary of Contents, with Index of Names and Motifs. Edited, summarized and provided with indices by Peter Schreiner and Renate Söhnen. Zus. LXXVIII,1.422 Seiten und 26 Mikrofiches in Rückentasche, Leinen (Purâna Research Publications; Volume 1-2/Harrassowitz Verlag 1987/89). ISBN: 3447027134 und 3447029609 . Sagen und Märchen aus Indien. - Wikipedia (02/2022): Das Brahma Purana ist eine der achtzehn großen Puranas-Sammlungen hinduistischer Texte in Sanskrit-Sprache. Es wird in allen Anthologien als erstes Maha-Purana aufgeführt und daher auch Adi Purana genannt. - Editor's preface: The second volume in the series of »Puräna Research Publications« is designed to make the contents of the Brahmapuräna easily accessible to scholars. Its detailed summary of contents seeks to carry all relevant information; it also includes notes an changing levels of dialogue, insertions, parallel passages in other texts, etc. The exhaustive index to the summary will be found useful to sanskritists and nonsanskritists alike for tracing any particular subject in the text. Together with the three word indices (key-word-in-context, index of word forms, and reverse index) and the text itself supplied in the first volume,' the index of contents completes the research tools prepared for the Brahmapuräna. - The Brahmapurana is the first work in the Puräna category - and probably the first in the whole of Indian literature - for which research tools of such a type have been supplied. ISBN: 9783447027137