
682 Seiten; 23 cm; kart. / 4 Bände.


Gute Exemplare / 4 Hefte; stw. kl. Gebrauchs- und Lagerspuren. - Englisch. - ISSN 0033-2828. - INHALT : VANN SPRUIELL - The Rules and Frames of the Psychoanalytic Situation ---- STANLEY A. LEAVY - Speaking in Tongues: Some Linguistic Approaches to Psychoanalysis ---- RICHARD S. BLACHER - Death, Resurrection, and Rebirth: Observations in Cardiac Surgery ---- MARK J. SEDLER - Freud's Concept of Working Through ---- BOOK ---- ABSTRACTS ---- NOTES // JAMES T. McLAUGHLIN - Some Observations on the Application of Frame Theory to the Psychoanalytic Situation and Process ---- HENRY M. BACHRACH - On the Concept of Analyzability ---- ROBERT L. TYSON - Some Narcissistic Consequences of Object Loss: A Developmental View ---- RICHARD V. YAZMAJIAN - The Use of Color for the Secondary Elaboration of the Dream ---- HERBERT LEHMANN - Reflections on Freud's Reaction to the Death of His Mother ---- PETER HARTOCOLLIS - Psychoanalysis Abroad: A Report from Greece ---- BOOK REVIEWS ---- ABSTRACTS ---- NOTES // BERNARD C. MEYER - Notes on Flying and Dying ---- VANN SPRUIELL - Kuhn's "Paradigm" and Psychoanalysis ---- ALLAN COMPTON - The Current Status of the Psychoanalytic Theory of Instinctual Drives. I: Drive Concept, Classification, and Development ---- ALLAN COMPTON - The Current Status of the Psychoanalytic Theory of Instinctual Drives. II: The Relation of the Drive Concept to Structures, Regulatory Principles, and Objects ---- HELENE DEUTSCH - 1884-1982 ---- BOOK REVIEWS ---- ABSTRACTS ---- NOTES // ANNA FREUD - 1895-1982 ---- PETER B. NEUBAUER - Anno Freud's Legacy ---- JACOB G. JACOBSON - The Structural Theory and the Representational World ---- JACOB G. JACOBSON - The Structural Theory and the Representational World: Developmental and Biological Considerations ---- DALE BOESKY - The Problem of Mental Representation in Self and Object Theory ---- BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS ---- RICHARD V. YAZMAJIAN - On a Retractile Testis and an Infantile Umbilicus Phobia ---- DANIEL S. JAFFE - On Words and Music: A Personal Commentary ---- WAYNE A. MYERS - An Athletic Example of the Typical Examination Dream ---- WARREN S. POLAND - On Surmise ---- BOOK REVIEWS ---- ABSTRACTS ---- NOTES ---- NAME INDEX ---- SUBJECT INDEX.