
84 S.; 23 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex.; Einband und Seiten gering nachgedunkelt. - Englisch. - Erste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift. - The William Alanson White Institute is a psychoanalytic center founded in 1943. It trains psychiatrists and psychologists in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis, and instructs teachers, ministers, social workers, nurses, and physicians in the psychoanalytic concepts which will extend their skills in their own professions. It maintains one of the first-established low-cost clinics in the country. Research on emotional disturbances is carried on by members of the instructional, clinical, and research staffs. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : EDITORIAL STATEMENT ----- Otto A. Will, Jr., MB. ----- SCHIZOPHRENIA AND THE PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC FIELD ----- PANEL DISCUSSION: ----- THE PSYCHOANALYSTS MOTIVATION TO HELP ----- Rose Spiegel, M.D., Moderator Ralph M. Crowley, M.D. Rollo May, Ph.D. Alberta Szalita, M.D. ----- Silvano Arieti, M.D. ----- THE RISE OF CREATIVITY: ----- FROM PRIMARY TO TERTIARY PROCESS ----- Erich Fromm, Ph.D. ----- HUMANISM AND PSYCHOANALYSIS ----- Maurice R. Green, M.D. ----- CLARA THOMPSON: A BIOGRAPHIC NOTE ----- NEWS AND NOTES.