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37.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
131 S.; graph. Darst.; Illustr. (auch farbig); 24 cm; fadengeh. Orig.-Leinenband.
Schönes Exemplar; Einband stw. geringfügig berieben. - EnglischKabuki (jap. ?Gesang und Tanz?) ist das traditionelle japanische Theater des Bürgertums der Edo-Zeit und besteht aus Gesang, Pantomime und Tanz. Kabuki ist eine im Wesentlichen säkulare Kunstform und etwas weniger formell als das ältere, vom Buddhismus geprägte No-Theater der Samurai. Kabuki wurde im Jahr 2005 in die UNESCO-Liste der Meisterwerke des mündlichen und immateriellen Erbes der Menschheit (seit 2008 Repräsentative Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der Menschheit) aufgenommen. ... (wiki) // INHALT : INTRODUCTORY --- CHAPTERS --- I DEVELOPMENT OF KABUKI. --- II KABUKI AND NOH DRAMA. --- III KABUKI AND NINGYO-JORURI --- IV CLASSIFICATION OF KABUKI PLAYS --- V KABUKI JUHACHI-BAN --- VI KABUKI ACTORS. --- VII ONNA-GATA IN KABUKI --- VIII PLAY WRITERS OF [KABUKI DRAMA. --- IX THREE CHARACTERISTICS OF KABUKI --- X KABUKI STAGE AND THEATERS.. --- XI NEW DEVELOPMENT IN KABUKI --- XII MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ON KABUKI --- THIRTY-TWO POPULAR KABUKI PLAYS --- Selected by Kawatake Shigetoshi --- YA GO OF KABUKI ACTORS. --- CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS. --- GLOSSARY AND INDEX. // ILLUSTRATIONEN : Picture of Chimera, showing the structural complexity of Kabukt. - Diagram showing the development of Japanese drama. - Performance of the O-Kuni Kabuki (Color) - Aoi-matsuri (Festival of Kamo Shrine). - Mibu Kyogen: a scene from Gaki-zumo (Demon Wrestlers). - Hana-matsuri (Flower Festival) of Kitashidara-gun, Aichi Prefecture. - Shikite: a court dance at the Meiji Shrine. - Bugaku masks. - Machi-iri Noh. Annual event of Noh performance at The Shogunate court. - Noh stage. Front view and side view showing Hashigakari. - A scene from "Shuron," a Noh-kyogen. - Noh masks. - Yokyoku scripts. - Daimoku-odori (Buddhist dance), similar to Nembutsu-odom - Onna Kabuki and its spectators. - A scene from Saruwaka. - Group dancing in Onna Kabuki. - Wakashu Kabuki performed at Shijo-gawara, Kyoto. - Kabuki actors: Sakata Tojuro and Ichikawa Danjuro. - Ichikawa Danjuro VII as Benkei in "Kanjincho." (Color) - A picture of an itinerant puppet manipulator. - Ningyo-joruri-geki: a scene from "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami.'' - Bunraku-ningyo: Kagekiyo and Yura-no-suke. - Mechanism of Bunraku puppets. - Head of a Bunraku puppet. - Takemoto Gidayu I. - Jidai-kyogen: a scene from "Kana-dehon Chushingura.'' - Sewa-kyogen: a scene from "O-rnatsuri Sashichi." - Buyo-geki: a scene from "Kyo-ganoko Musume Dojoji." - Zangiri-kyogen: a scene from "Shima-chidori Tsuki-no Shiranami." - Ichikawa Danjuro IX in popular plays of Kabuki Juhachi-ban. - Ichikawa Danjuro IX as Benkei in "Kanjincho." - Onoye Kikugoro VI as the Spirit of Lion in "Kagami-jishi." - Kumadori. Traditional make-up for Kabuki performance. - Print by Sharaku: Segawa Kiku-no-jo III and Sawamura Sojuro III. (Color) - Ukiyoye by Toshinobu, showing Segawa Kiku-no-jo I and Sawamura Sojuro I. - Danjuro VII as Otoko-no-suke and Koshiro V as Nikki Danjo in "Sendai Hagi." - Onoye Kikugoro VI in "Sambaso." - Saigoku Hyogoro, a noted doke-kata in the Genroku Period. - Iwai Hanshiro V as Yaye in "Sugawara Danju Tenarai Kagami." - Nakamura Gonkuro. - A Kabuki theater in the Tokugawa Period. - Chikamatsu Monzaemon. - Namiki Shozo. - Tsuruya Namboku. - Scenes from "Yotsuya Kaidan." - Kawatake Mokuami. - The script cover of "Ami-moyo Toroino Kiku Kin." - A scene from "San-nin Kichisa." - Kabuki program. - A scene from "Kohchiyama." - Nishikiye by Toyokuni: Nakamura Utasrnon III as Ishikawa Goemon. (Color) - Musical instruments used in Kabuki performance. - A scene from "Hashi Benkei," showing musicians' seats off the stage. - Performance of "Kanjincho," showing musicians seated on the stage. - Scenes from "Chushingura." Harakiri by Enya Hangan and Hayano Kamp^i- - A. scene from "Benten-kozo." - A. combat scene from "Otoni-kiku Tenjik:i Tokubei." - A scene from "Hiragana Seisui-ki," showing the revolving stage in operation - Bugaku stage. - Noh-gaku stage and theater. - An Elizabethan theater. - jjkiyoye showing the interior of the Naka-nura-za in Ye do, circa 1765. - FaPanese screens: Kabuki psrformanc? on the Kamo River bank, Kyoto. - Diagrams showing Bugaku, Noh, and Kabuki stages. - The Theater Museum of Waseda University.