47.00 EUR (kostenfreier Versand)
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47.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
Ca. 50 S.; duchgehend illustriert; qu.-16 cm. Farb. Orig.-Pappeinband; als Ringbuch gebunden.
Gutes Ex.; Einband etwas berieben. - Englisch. - Projekte: Twelve Movements; Model SC; Composition No. 2; Nine Movements / u.a. - ... Model SC is a conceptual system that generates a constantly varying stream of architectural structures. The parameters of the system are formed according to the rules of chess with additional interventions. One of the structures generated by Model SC - an imaginary multi-storey tower - is formed by the vertical stacking of layers of actual and potential board positions in a recorded chess game. Chessmen aligning into particular patterns are interpreted as structural components, e.g. a vertical column, a floor, a supporting beam, or wall. The structure is then converted into an axonometric drawing. The first such tower was formed solely by the stacking of la', c successive board positions in a specific game. Next, optional moves and positions from other played games were incorporated, thereby increasing the complexity of the structure. Following these initial structures, interventions were iade in the system to transform, deform, fragment or reconstruct the existing structure. The interventions were made in reaction to a played or optional move or board position of the pieces, or were decided in advance. Examples of such interventions include the introduction of barricades, alternative paths and architectural components. As the sequence progressed, the interventions became more deeply embedded in the 'architecture' of the complex, exerting either a negative or positive influence on the position and the optional moves of the pieces. The results determined the development of new 'layers' of the drawings. The chess pieces used in Model SC were based on a display system which had been developed earlier and was exhibited at MUHKA in Antwerp in 1993. ISBN 9090336823