
168 Seiten


Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. Contents - Foreward by Sylvia H. Williams - Introduction by Roy Sieber - Tradition, Technology, and Lurex: Some Comments on Textile History and Design in West Africa by John Picton - Clothing from Burial Caves in Mali, 11th - 18th Century by Rita Bolland - The Eye, the hand, and the Stripe: North African Designs in West African Strip-Woven Textiles by Peggy Stolty Gilfoy - The Cloth Connection: Patrons and Producers of Hausa and Nupe Prestige Strip-Weave by Judith Perani - Traditional Cloth from the Ewe Heartland - Merrick Posnansky - The Sociological Significance and Uses of Mende Country Cloth by Joanna P. Edwards