
4° (30,3 x 22 cm). 321 Seiten, 1 Bl. Mit zahlreichen Textabbildungen und 55 Farbtafeln. Farbig illustr. Orig.-Pappband., 11857ab­11857ab 2


Der Katalog enthält 1055 Nummern. // Beautifully hardbound antiquarian catalogue of 1055 illustrated modern books (mostl 20th century), offered by Heribert Tenschert. -- Richly illustrated, with 55 full color photographs of bindings and illustrations, as well as numerous b/w text illustrations. -- Covers minimally dusted, edges very lightly bumped, else fine and clean copy.


Einband minimal angestaubt, Kanten gering bestoßen, sonst schönes, sauberes Exemplar.