
222 S.; Illustr.; graph. Darst.; Tab.; 24,5 cm; fadengeh., illustr. Orig.-Pappband.


Sehr gutes, tadelloses Exemplar. - Englisch. - With the rise of genomics, the life sciences have entered a new era. Maps of genomes have become the icons for a comprehensive knowledge of the organism on a previously unattained level of complexity. This book provides an in-depth history of molecular genetics and genomics. Part I of the book shows how the cartography of classical genetics was linked to the molecular analysis of gene structure through the introduction of new model organisms, such as bacteria, and through the invention of new experimental tools, such as gene transfer. Part II addresses the development of human genome sequencing in all its technical, epistemic, social, and economic complexity. With its detailed analyses of the scientific practices and its illustration of the diversity of mapping, this book is a significant contribution to the history of genetics. ... (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Technological Change ----- Methods and themes in the history of technology ----- Edited by Robert Fox ----- Technology Transfer out of Germany after 1945 ----- Edited by Matthias Judt and Burghard Ciesla ----- Entomology, Ecology and Agriculture ----- The making of scientific careers in North America, 1885-1985 Paolo Palladino ----- The Historiography of Contemporary Science and Technology ----- Edited by Thomas Soderquist ----- Science and Spectacle ----- The work of Jodrell bank in post-war British culture ----- Jon Agar ----- Molecularizing Biology and Medicine ----- New practices and alliances, 1910s-1970s ----- Edited by Soraya de Ckadarevian and Harmke Kamminga ----- Cold War, Hot Science ----- Applied research in Britain's defence laboratories 1945-1990 Edited by Robeii Bud and Philip Gammett ----- Planning Armageddon ----- Britain, the United States and the command of Western ----- nuclear forces 1945-1964 ----- Stephen Twigge and Len Scott ----- Cultures of Control ----- Edited by Miriam R. Levin ----- Science, Cold War and the American State ----- Lloyd V Berkner and the balance of professional ideals Alan A. Needell ----- Reconsidering Sputnik ----- Forty years since the Soviet satellite Edited by Roger D. Launius ----- Crossing Boundaries, Building Bridges ----- Comparing the history of women engineers, 1870s-1990s Edited by Annie Canel, Ruth Oldenziel and Karin ^achmann ----- Changing Images in Mathematics ----- From the French revolution to the millennium ----- Edited by Umberto Bottazzini and Amy Dalian Dalmedico ----- Heredity and Infection ----- The history of disease transmission ----- Edited by Jean-Paul Gaudilliere and Liana Lowy ----- The Analogue Alternative ----- The electric analogue computer in Britain and the USA, 1930-1975 ----- James S. Small ----- Instruments, Travel and Science ----- Itineraries of precision from the seventeenth to ----- the twentieth century ----- Edited by Marie-JSoelle Bourguet, Christian Licoppe and H. Otto Sibum ----- The Fight Against Cancer ----- France, 1890-1940 Patrice Pinell ----- (u.a.m.) ISBN 0415328500