
Ca. 100 Seiten; zahlreiche Illustr.; 26 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex.; Einband gering berieben; kl. Aufkleber. - Englisch. - ... Stargazing can do more for you than reading a horoscope. Take Christina Onassis, the billionairess whose doll clothes were made by Dior. When she grew up, her wardrobe cost her a fortune - but she found that spending a lot on your looks doesn't always pay off. Although she could afford the best designers and health spas, her figure problems got bigger and bigger until she fell in love. Once her heart was in it, she slimmed down, shaped up, and would have looked radiant in a flour sack had she chosen to wear one to her wedding. Money is no guarantee of wearing well - what really matters is motivation, and the only person who can do that is you. Strong motivation is the basis of all great diets, and the results of saying no to yourself can certainly be worth the effort, as the dramatic transformations of Elizabeth Taylor and Dolly Parton shows. But just being thin is no guarantee of wearing well - would you like to look like Judy Mazel, the pineapple diet queen? Even having a great face and figure isn't enough -Jane Fonda has both, but the last thing she does when she gets out of her leotards is wear well. Fat or thin, tall or small, fit or not, what really matters is the way you put yourself together. Wearing well means not dressing in parts - you have to think of the total look. A few elementary principles can upgrade your image completely - or sink it without trace. The wrong stripes can tie you in knots, the wrong belt can cut you in half; some clothes look awful on everyone, others only look good on certain figure types. And however much a certain hair or make-up style may have suited you in the past, if you don't update your image, you'll end up being as interesting as yesterday's paper - unless, like Barbara Cartland, you can go on for so long without changing that you become twice as interesting as today's news. There's more to wearing well than meets the eye - was it only coincidental that the careers of Farrah Fawcett and Debbie Harry took a sharp turn for the worse when they changed their hairstyles? Is Michael Jackson's voice as good as his face? And why do child stars pay such a high price for early fame? Wearing well isn't just for an hour or a day - some people, like Joan Collins and Margaret Thatcher, look better as they get older. Others, like Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, develop a personal style that becomes an international institution. It's never too late to learn how to do it, and whoever you are, however you live, wearing well is the best revenge ? (Einleitung) ISBN 009160141X