
132 S. mit großformatigen farbigen Illustrationen; 39 cm. Originalleinen mit farb. illustr. Schutzumschlag.


Gutes Ex.; Umschl. etwas berieben. - Englisch. - ... Professor McLeod, Keeper of the Department of Ethnography at the British Museum, interweaves history with anecdote to illuminate these African masks, carvings, and gold objects, collected mainly over the last 100 years. His text captures the character of the civilization that spills out through these works. The sophistication and wry humor of the Asante is exemplified by the spokesman's staff, symbol of royal power, whose decoration illustrates the adage: "If there are two people sitting at table, it is not necessarily the hungry one who eats" [but, rather, the one with the right to eat?or rule]. Elsewhere, a Basongye stool, fashioned as a squatting human figure, brings home the message of the saying: Obi te obi so?"There is always somebody sitting on somebody else." African masks and images were related to the particular system of belief and economics around which a tribe was organized. Some crude masks were made by pubescent boys for initiation rites; some terra-cotta images had the power to promote female fertility; and other artifacts were simply amusing toys. Where there was a strong, centralized government, long-lasting exquisite images? from finely wrought gold jewelry to the huge, imposingly carved doors of the Benin royal palaces?were created to stress the continuity and permanence of the king, and court artisans worked exclusively to glorify and embellish the throne. ... (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Benin Ivory Mask ---- Commentary ---- Introduction ---- Brass Mask ---- Bakuba Mask ---- Benin Hornblower ---- Batetela Mask ---- Golden Umbrella Finial ---- Lower Niger Bronze Head ---- Kongo Figure ---- Bulom-Portuguese Ivory ---- Afro-Portuguese Salt ---- Angas Mask ---- Akan Female Figure ---- Two Terra-cotta Heads ---- Bakuba Geometric Mask ---- Bakuba Ndop ---- Ife Head ---- Baga Mask ---- Bambara Mask ---- Basongye Fetish ---- Benin Drummer ---- Fu-fu Pounding ---- Sherbro Stone Sculpture ---- Asante Gold Lion ---- Benin Horseman ---- Baga Nimba Mask ---- Bura Figure ---- Oba's Head ---- Brass Horseman ---- Palm-Wine Cups ---- Cross River Skin-covered Mask ---- Kalahari Ijo Screen ---- Benin Royal Plaque ---- Yoruba Horseman ---- Yoruba Palace Doers ---- Leopard Plaque ---- Baluba Mask ---- Zulu Figure ---- Igbo Display Piece ---- Benin Queen ---- Mother's Head ---- Bambara Female Figure ---- Asante Spokesman's Staff ---- Fang Figure ---- Yoruba Lion ---- Brass Leopard ---- Ivory Leopards ---- Bena Kanvoka Pipe ---- Benin Plaque ---- Two Zande Figures ---- Benin Grotesque Head ---- Three Gold Elephants ---- Baluba-Shankadi Figure ---- Makonde Helmet Mask ---- Bayaka Mask ---- (u.a.m.) ISBN 0896591034