
179 S.; graph. Darst.; 24 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex.; Einband berieben; Seiten minimal gebräunt. - Englisch. - Aus der Arbeitsbibliothek von Hans-Joachim Koloss, Kurator der Afrika-Abteilung des Museums für Völkerkunde Berlin. ? // Max Gluckman (* 26. Januar 1911 in Johannesburg, Südafrika; ? 1975), aus russisch-jüdischem Elternhaus, war ein südafrikanischer Ethnosoziologe, der die Manchester-Schule begründete. ... (wiki) // In this tribute in memorial of one of the world's leading anthropologists, each author elaborates a theme which was either central to, or stimulated by, the teaching and writings of Max Gluckman. The contributing scholars represent a variety of nationalities as is be-fitting a memorial tribute. The essays they wrote deal with a rich variety of socio-cultural settings including Surinam, Africa, India and Israel, which reflects the wide diversity of Gluckman's own interests. It is a tribute to his great scholarly achievements that Gluckman's original contributions are fruitfully applied to such a wide diversity of socio-cultural contexts in rapidly changing conditions, and to his greatness as a teacher, that his former students retain not only great respect and affection for him, but have feit free to eritieize, adapt.or even rejeet the original ideas of their teacher. ... (Verlagstext) / INHALT : Myron J. Aronoff, Freedom and Constraint: A Memorial Tribute to Max Gluckman. ---- Don Handelman, Some Contributions of Max Gluckman to Anthropological Thought. ---- Elizabeth Colson, From Chief's Court to Local Court. ---- Joyce Pettigrew, Conflict Escalation in the Punjab. ---- Bruce Kapferer, Conflict and Process in a Zambian Mine Community ---- Sholomo Deshen, Of Sign and Symbols: The Transformation of Designations in Israeli Electioneering. ---- Moshe Shokeid, Conviviality Versus Strife. ---- A. J. F. Kobben, The Periphery of a Political System. ---- Myron J. Aronoff, Ritual Rebellion and Assertion in the Israel Labor Party. ---- Max Gluckman. Summarised Curriculum Vitae (30-9-1974). Biography and Publications, Education and Posts. ISBN 9023213920