
II; S. 93 - 342; Illustr.; 23 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex.; Einband berieben u. leicht gebräunt. - Dedicated to Margaret Mead. - Englisch. - INHALT : ... Affective Dissonance and Primary Socialization: Implications for a Theory of Incest Avoidance GEORGE A. DE VOS ---- Aloofness and Intimacy of Husbands and Wives: A Cross-Cultural Study ---- JOHN W. M. WHITING and BEATRICE B. WHITING ---- COGNITIVE SOCIALIZATION ---- Dream Concepts of Hausa Children: A Critique of the "Doctrine of Invariant Sequence" in Cognitive Development ---- RICHARD A. SHWEDER and ROBERT A. LEVINE ---- Resilience in Cognitive Development JEROME KAGAN ---- Theorizing about Socialization of Cognition MICHAEL COLE and SYLVIA SCRIBNER ---- A Conjunctive Pattern in Middle Class Informal and Formal Education ROBERT I. LEVY ---- SOCIALIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGE ---- Time: History versus Chronicle; Socialization as Cultural Preexperience GEORGE DEVEREUX ---- Eidos and Change: Continuity in Process, Discontinuity in Product ---- RHODA METRAUX ---- Relations among Generations in Time-Limited Cultures THEODORE SCHWARTZ ---- Becoming Modern: Individual Change in Six Developing Countries ALEX INKELES ---- (u.a.m.)