
VII; 374 S.; 24 cm. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.


Sehr gutes Exemplar. - Englisch. - Otto Fenichel (* 2. Dezember 1897 in Wien; ? 22. Januar 1946 in Los Angeles) war ein österreichischer Psychoanalytiker. ... In Berlin erhielt Fenichel seine fachärztliche Ausbildung in Neurologie und Psychiatrie bei Karl Bonhoeffer und Richard Cassirer an der Charité. 1931 publizierte er eine zweibändige Neurosenlehre; später im amerikanischen Exil erweitert und aktualisiert, begründet dieses Werk Fenichels Ruf als eines ?Enzyklopädisten der Psychoanalyse?. ... Auf Otto Fenichel geht der Begriff der Organneurose zurück. Fenichel vertrat die Auffassung, dass bei der konversionshysterischen Form des Organerlebens die Verbindungen mit phantasierten sozialen Beziehungen erhalten blieben. Bei rein vegetativ bedingten funktionellen Störungen dagegen würden sie ganz oder teilweise verloren gehen. ... (wiki) // Following publication of the First Series of Fenichel's Collected Papers, covering the period 1922-1936, the present volume includes the writings which appeared from 1936 to the author's death in 1946. Taken together, those two volumes present all of Otto Fenichel's more significant contributions to psychoanalysis. In these later papers is revealed anew the breadth of view, the lively perception, and the variety of interests that marked his earlier work. These significant essays, as Dr. Bertram D. Lewin says in his introduction to the First Series, explore many subjects that were only touched on in his books. Many of these discussions, present-day classics in their fields, are comprehensive monographs in themselves. Often so much is brought to bear on the central topics from so many sources, and then related so clearly to the context, that these essays become works of reference for a much larger field. A book is greatly to be welcomed that preserves and makes conveniently available so much that is intensely useful from the life work of this remarkable man. ... (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Preface ---- Acknowledgments ---- The Symbolic Equation: Girl = Phallus ---- Symposium on the Theory of the Therapeutic Results of Psychoanalysis ---- Early Stages of Ego Development ---- The Concept of Trauma in Contemporary Psychoanalytical Theory ---- Ego Strength and Ego Weakness ---- On Masturbation ---- The Drive to Amass Wealth ---- Ego Disturbances and Their Treatment ---- The Economics of Pseudologia Phantastica ---- Trophy and Triumph ---- The Counter-Phobic Attitude ---- Two Dream Analyses ---- The Study of Defense Mechanisms and Its Importance for Psychoanalytic Technique ---- Psychoanalysis of Character ---- The Ego and the Affects ---- The Misapprehended Oracle ---- (u.a.m.)