
VIII; 283 S.; 22 cm. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.


Gutes Ex.; Seiten leicht gebräunt. - Englisch. - Rezensionsexemplar von Friedrich Wilhelm Eickhoff mit beiliegender Korrespondenz. - "In this excellent book Altman has fulfilled his aim of stimulating enthusiasm for and interest in the dream. He has demonstrated how the science of dream theory can combine for the good of the patient with the art and science of therapeutic technique, and he has placed a useful tool in the hands of all psychoanalysts who are engaged in the teaching of dreams." ? Psychoanalytic Quarterly ... (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Introduction ---- PART I THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS ---- 1 A Summary Review of Dream Theory SOURCES OF THE DREAM ---- DREAM WORK ---- SYMBOLS ---- MEANS OF REPRESENTATION ---- SECONDARY REVISION ---- STRUCTURAL THEORY ---- PART II THE DREAM IN CLINICAL PRACTICE ---- 2 Preliminary Remarks ---- 3 Initial Dreams ---- 4 Resistance in the Dream ---- 5 The Dream as Resistance ---- 6 Transference in the Dream ---- 7 Anxiety and the Dream ---- 8 Aggression in the Dream ---- 9 The Dream and Infantile Sexuality ---- 10 Homosexual Libido and the Dream ---- 11 The Oedipal Conflict and the Dream ---- 12 Adaptive Ego and Superego in the Dream ---- 13 Countertransference in Dreams ---- Bibliography REFERENCES BASIC READINGS SELECTED SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS ---- Indices ---- INDEX OF DREAMS ---- INDEX. ISBN 082361431X