
gr.-4°. 2 Bll., 27 Stahlstich-Taf. (numeriert 1-15) und 21 Karten (davon 18 kolor. u. mehrf. gefalt.). Komplett. OLn. Mit Blind- u. Goldpräg.


Sabin I, 58009 - Kollation der Tafeln: 1, 1a-d, II, 2a-b, 3, 3a, 4, 5, 5a,-b, 6, 7, 8, 8a, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12a-b, 13, 14, 15. Bei Sabin ist von 15 Taf. u. 21 Karten die Rede. Die Taf. in Stahlstich tlw. nach Daguerotypien. Unter den Karten 1 große kolor. Karte: Geological Map of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota im Format 112 x 70 cm. - Complete set. - David Dale Owen conducted the first geological surveys of Indiana, Kentucky, and Arkansas. He was appointed the first Geologist for the State of Indiana (1837-39), and worked as the State Geologist of Kentucky in 1854-1857; he was appointed State Geologist of Arkansas in 1857, continuing as the Kentucky geologist without pay. He returned to Indiana as State Geologist in 1859-1860. - Of particular note is a well-preserved color fold-out map entitled "Geological Map of the North Shore of Lake Superior".