
316 S.; 21,5 cm. Goldgepr. Originalleinenband.


Sehr gutes Ex. - EA. - HARDCOVER. - Moderner Klassiker. - Elizabeth Rosenberg Zetzel (1907-1970) was an American psychoanalyst and physician. ... She underwent analytic training in the 1930s with the British Psychoanalytic Society (BPAS). Her training analyst was Ernest Jones, though she was also influenced by the ideas of Melanie Klein and Kleinians like Joan Riviere, Susan Isaacs and Donald Winnicott. In 1949 she returned to the United States. She became a training analyst and teacher at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society, and from 1961 to 1965 was also secretary of the International Psychoanalytic Association under Maxwell Gitelson as president. ... (wiki; engl.). - INHALT : Preface ----- Section I: Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry ----- Introduction ----- War Neurosis: A Clinical Contribution (1943) ----- Anxiety and the Capacity to Bear It (1949) ----- Depressive Illness (i960) ----- The Depressive Position (1953) ----- On the Incapacity to Bear Depression (1965) ----- Concept and Content in Psychoanalytic Theory ----- (1956) ----- The Doctor-Patient Relationship in Psychiatry ----- (1966) ----- Section II: Clinical Psychoanalysis ----- Introduction ----- The Concept of Transference (1956) ----- Therapeutic Alliance in the Analysis of Hysteria ----- (1958) ----- The Analytic Situation and the Analytic Process ----- (1966-69) ----- An Obsessional Neurotic: Freud's Rat Man (1966) ----- The So-called Good Hysteric (1968) ----- A Developmental Model and the Theory of Therapy ----- (1965) ----- Psychoanalysis and Psychic Health ----- References ----- Bibliography ----- Index.