
VIII; 616 S.; 23,5 cm. Goldgepr. Originalleinenband m. OUmschlag.


Gutes Ex.; Umschl. berieben. - Englisch. - INHALT : CONTRIBUTIONS TO PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY ---- DAVID BERES Ego Autonomy and Ego Pathology ---- K. R. ElSSLER ---- Death Drive, Ambivalence, and Narcissism ---- ANNA FREUD ---- The Infantile Neurosis: Genetic and Dynamic Considerations ---- HANS W. LOEWALD On Motivation and Instinct Theory ---- CLIFFORD YORKE Some Suggestions for a Critique of Kleinian Psychology ---- ASPECTS OF NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ---- SHELDON BACH Notes on Some Imaginary Companions ---- W. ERNEST FREUD The Baby Profile: Part II ---- ELEANOR GALENSON AND HERMAN ROIPHE The Impact of Early Sexual Discovery on Mood, Defensive Organization, and Symbolization ---- ERNEST KAFKA ---- On the Development of the Experience of Mental Self, the Bodily Self, and Self Consciousness ---- SAMUEL RITVO ---- Late Adolescence: Developmental and Clinical Considerations ---- JAMES AND JOYCE ROBERTSON Young Children in Brief Separation: A Fresh Look ---- MARIAN TOLPIN ---- On the Beginnings of a Cohesive Self: An Application of the Concept of Transmuting Internalization to the Study of the Transitional Object and Signal Anxiety ---- CLINICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ---- SELMA FRAIBERG Separation Crisis in Two Blind Children ---- ERNA FURMAN Some Thoughts on Reconstruction in Child Analysis ---- HANNA KENNEDY Problems in Reconstruction in Child Analysis ---- MARGARET S. MAHLER ---- A Study of the Separation-Individuation Process: And Its Possible Application to Borderline Phenomena in the Psychoanalytic Situation ---- LEO RANGELL The Decision-Making Process: A Contribution ---- from Psychoanalysis ---- MARJORIE SPRINCE ---- An Adolescent Boy's Battle Against Recovery: The Analysis of an Adolescent Whose Ongoing Preoedipal Tie to the Mother Aroused Massive Treatment Resistance and a Terror of Health ---- APPLIED PSYCHOANALYSIS ---- ROBERT M. ARMSTRONG Joseph Conrad: The Conflict of Command ---- ERNEST S. WOLF ---- Saxa Loquuntur: Artistic Aspects of Freud's "The Aetiology of Hysteria" ---- INDEX ---- CONTENTS OF VOLUMES 1-25. ISBN 0701203838