
VII, 87 (recte 91) S., 24 (statt 27) Bll. 190 (14 chromolithograph) lithograph. Tafeln. Gr.-Fol. Lose in mod. HLwd.-Mappe.


Erste Ausgabe dieser klassischen für die Weltausstellung in Wien 1873 angertigte und in nur wenigen Exemplaren gedruckten Dokumentation zur ottomanischen Architektur, mit allen 190 Tafeln (Blackmer nennt nur 189 Tafeln, die Kollation ist etwas unklar aber Vergleichsexemplare haben nie mehr als 190 Tafeln - meist eher weniger). - Blackmer 956.: "This interesting work illustrates important examples of Ottoman architecture and detailed elements from such buildings, including woodwork, carved stone work, iron work, pavements, tiles, etc. The plates after drawings by P. Montani and others, have been produced photolithographically by Pascal Sebah, who established a photographic studio in Pera probably before 1870 and was well known as a photographer of sites in Constantinople and the Bosphorus" - "... Marie de Launay became deeply involved in the representation of the Ottoman Empire in world expositions throughout his official career. He contributed to the Ottoman exhibits not only as an organizer and an author, but also as an exhibitor? an amateur artist and collector who displayed his own paintings (mostly scenes about medieval history), illustrations of Ottoman types and costumes, and collections of handcrafted objects on various national and international occasions. Through his official role he had a chance to be involved in many substantial publications related to the expositions. For the 1867 Paris Exposition, for instance, he authored the voluminous catalogue of the Ottoman exhibits, La Turquie à l?éxposition universelle de 1867 (Paris, 1867), generally attributed to the director of the Ottoman commission, Salaheddin Bey. Marie de Launay was co-author of the earliest scholarly study on the history and theory of Ottoman architecture, the Usul-i Mimari-i Osmani/ L?Architecture ottomane (Istanbul, 1873), produced on the occasion of the 1873 world exposition in Vienna" (Central European University Press). - Die Tafeln zeigen Grundrisse, Ansichten und architektonischen Details von Palästen, Moscheen, Badehäusern, Koranschulen, öffentlichen Küchen, Brücken, Krankenhäusern, Karavansereien sowie Bauornamentik, Einzelornamente etc. Der Text in Deutsch, Französisch und Arabisch (mit dem eigenen Titelblatt "Usul-i mimari-î Osmanî"). - Es fehlt eine Lage (3 bedruckte Blätter und ein weißes Blatt) des in arabisch gedruckten Textes (= die dritte Lage). - Stellenweise etw. fleckig und gebräunt. Vereinzete kl. Randläsuren (ohne Verlust).