
128 S.; 23 cm; kart.


Sehr gutes Ex. - ISSN 1363-4607. - Englisch. - INHALT : EDITORIAL ---- Ken Plummer Introducing Sexualities ---- ARTICLES ---- Joshua Gamson Publicity traps: television talk shows and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender visibility ---- Lynne Segal Only the literal: the contradictions of anti-pornography feminism ---- Agnes O. Runganga and Peter Aggleton Migration, the family and the transformation of a sexual culture ---- SPECIAL FEATURE ---- Kinsey: a 50th anniversary symposium Peter M. Nardi and Beth E. Schneider, eds Peter M. Nardi, Introduction ; John Bancroft, Kinsey: an intellectual heavyweight ; June Machover Reinisch, Hoist with another's petard: the misreading of Kinsey's caveats ; John H. Gagnon, Kinsey: totem in the land of taboo ; William Simon, Kinsey: an immodest appreciation ; Dennis Altman, Kinsey: an Australian perspective ; Vickie M. Mays and Susan D. Cochran, Kinsey and male homosexuality in the African-American population: a question of fit ; Gunter Schmidt, Kinsey's unspoken truths: on how the Kinsey reports were received in West Germany ; Michael Schofield, Fifty years after Kinsey ; Judith Schuyf, Alfred and me ---- REVIEW ARTICLE ---- Steven Seidman The Brits are coming... again: sex studies in the UK ---- (u.a.)