
573 S. Originalleinen.


Gutes Exemplar. - Ernst Kris Memorial Meeting -- PHYLLIS GREENACRE--The Family Romance o£ the Artist Discussion: Leo Stone, David Beres, Robert C Bak -- LEO S LOOMIE, VICTOR H ROSEN, and MARTIN H STEIN- -- Ernst Kris and the Gifted Adolescent Project -- Discussion: Bertram D Lewin, Annie Reich, Margaret S Mahler -- SAMUEL RITVO and ALBERT J SOLNIT-Influences of Early -- Mother-Child Interaction on Identification Processes -- Discussion: Rudolph M Loewenstein, Jacob A Arlow, -- Robert P Knight -- ANNA FREUD-Child Observation and Prediction of Development: A Memorial Lecture in Honor of Ernst Kris -- Discussion: René A Spitz, Heinz Hartmann, Robert Waelder -- Contributions to Psychoanalytic Theory -- HEINZ HARTMANN-Comments on the Scientific Aspects of Psychoanalysis -- ISHAK RAMZY and ROBERT S WALLERSTEIN-Pain, Fear, and Anxiety: A Study in Their Interrelationships -- MAX SCHUR-The Ego and the Id in Anxiety -- Aspects of Normal and Pathological Development -- Adolescence -- K R EISSLER-Notes on Problems of Technique in the Psycho-analytic Treatment of Adolescents: With Some Remarks on Perversions -- ANNA FREUD-Adolescence ELISABETH R GELEERT"-Borderline States in Childhood and Adolescence -- LEO A SPIEGEL-Comments on the Psychoanalytic Psychology of Adolescence -- Latency -- ANNIE REICH-A Character Formation Representing the Integration of Unusual Conflict Solutions into the Ego Structure -- Preoedipal -- DAVID BERES-Vicissitudes of Superego Functions and Super-ego Precursors in Childhood -- P J VAN DER LEEUW-The Preoedipal Phase of the Male RENE A SPITZ-On the Genesis of Superego Components -- Clinical Contributions -- MARY E BERGEN-The Effect of Severe Trauma on a Four-Year-Old Child -- JOSEPH S BIERMAN, ARTHUR B SILVERSTEIN, and JACOB E FINESINGER-A Depression in a Six-Year-Old Boy with Acute Poliomyelitis -- VIVIAN JARVIS-Clinical Observations on the Visual Problem in Reading Disability -- WILLIAM G NIEDERLAND-Early Auditory Experiences, Beating Fantasies, and Primal Scene -- CHRISTINE OLDEN-Notes on the Development of Empathy -- Applied Psychoanalysis -- PHYLLIS GREENACRE-The Relation of the Impostor to the Artist -- PHILIP WEISSMAN-Shaw's Childhood and Pygmalion -- Writings of Ernst Kris.