
118 S.; 21,5 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex. ; Einband stw. gering berieben. - Englisch. - ISSN 0890-7064. - INHALT : In Memoriam: Frank A. Beach (1911-1988) Leonore Tiefer, PhD ---- Introduction to William Simon's Commentary Veronica Diehl Elias, PhD ---- Commentary on the Status of Sex Research: The Postmodernization of Sex ---- William Simon, PhD ---- Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers Russell D. Clark III, PhD Elaine Hatfield, PhD ---- Gender and Sexual Motivation: An Exploration of Two Assumptions ---- Joey Sprague, PhD David Quadagno, PhD ---- Expected Impact of Sex-Related Events on Dating Relationships ---- Susan Sprecher, PhD ---- Staging of Psychological Reactions to HIV Infection in Asymptomatic Homosexual Men ---- Michael W. Ross, PhD Wendy E. M. Tebble, BSW Danielle Viliunas, MD ---- Behavioral Patterns and Personality Characteristics of 56 Sex Offenders: A Preliminary Study ---- S. Margretta Dwyer, MA J. Ingrid Amberson, PhD.