
2 parts in 1. 4°. 6 Bll., 78., 96 S., 3 Bll. Mit Titevign., 2 gr. Textvign., 1 gest. ill. Zwischentit. u. 34 Kupfertaf. Ldr. d. Zt. m. Rückensch. u. Rückengoldpräg. Kanten leicht berieb. EA


Nissen ZBI 2113; Cole 1265 - This book of Descriptions established Louis Joblot as the first French microscopist. Joblot (1645-1723) professor of mathematics at the Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts.Probably Joblot was led to his research on microscopy by Huygens and Hartsoeker in 1678. In July of that year, Huygens showed microscopes that he had brought from Holland and demonstrated infusoria before the Academy of Sciences.