
6 Bde. Gr.-8°. HLdr. der Zeit (beschabt und bestoßen, Bd. 2 lädiert).


Erste Ausgabe, zeitglich in Brüssel erschienen. - Louis-Désiré Véron (1798 - 1867) "is largely known to history for his direction, from 1831-1835, of the Paris Opera. The new government, after the July Revolution of 1830, wished to offload the costs and responsibilities of the Opera, which had been effectively state-controlled since its inception. Véron saw the great potential of adapting the Opera to the bourgeois tastes of new audiences and applied for the franchise, which brought with it limited State subsidy. By bringing together the talents of designers (such as Duponchel), composers (such as Meyerbeer, Auber and Fromental Halévy), and librettists (such as Eugene Scribe and Casimir Delavigne), and developing great singers such as Adolphe Nourrit and Cornélie Falcon, he created the genre of Grand Opera. The first new production under Véron`s management, Meyerbeer`s Robert le diable (21 November 1831) began a new era in opera. When the government decided to further reduce subsidy of the Opera in 1835, Véron prudently withdrew, having made a substantial profit. In 1852 Véron was elected to the Corps Législatif (the predecessor of the Chamber of Deputies). His Memoires d`un bourgeois de Paris (1853?1855) give a lively picture of his life and times" (Wikipedia Abruf vom 05.04.2019). - Papierbedingt etw. gebräunt, leicht fleckig.