
XXV; 260 S.; 23 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex.; leider einige Anstreichungen im Text. - The babies - the human babies - that Dr Romana Negri has worked with and here describes have indeed been torn into this world half-made-up. But what they lack in physiological equipment can usually be met by the advances of medical science. This book is all about the emotional experience of the baby in this predicament, who has not had enough of one type of life to be able to transfer its emotional allegiances to the new one. The approach to this problem, as it is illustrated here, involves a philosophy that goes far beyond the humane attitude of alleviating suffering which operates in hospital medicine. (Verlagstext) / INHALT : ... The methodology of intervention ---- Interrupted pregnancy ---- The separation-individuation process ---- Catastrophic anxiety and the sense of guilt ---- Conclusions ---- Meeting with parents of children who die ---- Work with the staff ---- Work method and level Model evolution ---- Theoretical discussion and presentation of the clinical experience ---- PHASE I ---- The emotional atmosphere: the state of paranoid anxiety ---- PHASE II ---- The concept of the neutral role ---- PHASE HI ---- Mirror resonance: ---- nurses experience mothers' and children's feelings ---- PHASE IV ---- Thinking about the work group: nurses talk about themselves ---- Final conclusions ---- Infant observation ---- Methodological aspects ---- Difficulties of infant observation in the incubator ---- The first period ---- The child's suffering ---- The child's physiognomy ---- (u.a.m.) ISBN 1855750732