
366 S.; 20 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex.; geringe Gebrauchsspuren. - Englisch. - Unabridged reprint of 1892 edition, with corrections made. 345 figures and illustrations. ... Falkener's "Games Ancient and Oriental" is one of the great classics in books about games, and although it was written some 60 odd years ago, it is still considered the definitive source for many of the games it covers. Mr. Falkener, who was a prominent classical scholar, had as his hobby the reconstruction of ancient board games and the recording of living board games not known in the Western World. He devoted much of his life to close study of Egyptian tomb inscriptions, Roman archeology, and to travel in the Orient and Africa, and played many games with native experts. In this book Mr. Falkener undertook to recreate for the reader those games which he thought were most interesting and most deserving of wider acquaintance. They include the ancient Egyptian game senat and the game of the bowl; latruncles, the famous Roman game, in which his reconstruction is accepted as definitive; chaturanga, the father of chess, a game of great interest; Oriental varieties of chess, with unusual moves and pieces of unusual powers, including Chinese, Siamese, and Burmese chess; shogi, or Japanese chess, perhaps the most intricately dazzling of the chess family; the superchess that Tamerlane played with 56 pieces; Polish and Turkish checkers; assorted games, like backgammon, including the true pachisi (not Sam Loyd's American variety), the Japanese game of go, and many other games. The last part of the book is devoted to magic squares and one of the longest discussions of the Knight's Tour ever printed. Mr. Falkener was a connoisseur of games, and he examined each game for payability rather than only for historical purposes. He provides rules, suggestions for tactics, and actual records of games played (among the living games) by. native players, analyzed move by move. This material has been gathered from master play that Falkener himself witnessed. His result is a very enriching collection of games of surpassing interest: each of these games has entertained millions of people, not on a fad basis, but sometimes for millennia; they still retain the elements of interest that make them eternal, and will provide you with years and years of pleasure. (Verlagstext) ISBN 0486207390