
Ein Lehr- und Handbuch der gesamten Buchbinderei und aller in dieses Fach einschlagenden Kunsttechniken. Vierte vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage von Hans Bauer.. 24,5 : 17 cm. X, 440, 24 pages With 234 illustrations in the text, 22 plates with illustrations and 42 modern artistic binding-samples, 20 mounted original marbled papers. Original-half-cloth.


Thought after oeuvre. Deswcribes the history of book-binding, the materials you need, the different bindings and how to make them, the ilumination of the spine, the artistic binding etc. - With the 20 samples of marbled papers for binding. - The first edition was published in 1860 in Stuttgart and has seen many editions thereafter which were always amended. With the important marbled-paper-samples.