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Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Paket / DHL-Paket
1 - 3 Werktage
755 S.; 23 cm; kart. / 5 Hefte.
Gute Exemplare. - Englisch. - 5 BÄNDE (= Kompletter Jahrgang 2004). // ISSN 0735-1690. - INHALT : Problems of Power in Psychoanalytic Institutions ---- HOWARD B. LEVINE, M.D. AND GAIL S. REED, PH.D., Issue Editors Prologue. ---- JOHN KERR ---- "The Goody-Goods Are No Good": Notes on Power and ---- Authority in the Early History of Psychoanalysis, with ---- Special Reference to Training. ---- HELEN DESMOND, PH.D. ---- Training Analysis: Oxymoron or Viable Compromise? Training Analysis, Power, and the Therapeutic Alliance. ---- KENNETH EISOLD, PH.D. ---- Psychoanalytic Training: The "Faculty System". ---- MELVIN BORNSTEIN, M.D. ---- The Problem of Narcissism in Psychoanalytic Organizations: The Insularity of Power. ---- ALAN Z. SKOLNIKOFF, M.D. ---- The Quest for a Unified Psychoanalytic Theory: ---- A Retreat from Uncertainty. ---- OTTO F. KERNBERG, M.D. ---- Discussion: "Problems of Power in Psychoanalytic Institutions". ---- GAIL S. REED, PH.D. AND HOWARD B. LEVINE, M.D. ---- The Politics of Exclusion. ---- HOWARD B. LEVINE, M.D. AND GAIL S. REED, PH.D., Issue Editors Epilogue. ---- // Psychoanalytic Treatment of Couplcs ---- BARBARA FELD, M.S.W., Issue Coeditor ---- Prologue. ---- VIRGINIA GOLDNER, PH.D. ---- When Lovc Hurts: Treating Abusive Relationships. ---- FRED M. SANDER, M.D. ---- Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy: Classical Style. ---- IRENE HARWOOD, PH.D., PSY.D. ---- How the Psychoanalyst Working Priraarily with One Person Can Make a Successful Couple Intervention; Or, Why Psychoanalysts Should Not Back Away from Working with Couples. ---- JUDITH P. SIEGEL, PH.D. ---- Identification as a Focal Point in Couple Therapy. ---- BARBARA FELD, M.S.W. ---- Holding and Facilitating Interactive Regulation in ---- Couples with Trauma Histories. ---- MARTIN S. LTVINGSTON, PH.D. ---- Stay a Little Longer: Sustaining Empathy, ---- Vulnerability, and Intimacy in Couple Therapy. ---- ROSEMARY SEGALLA, PH.D. ---- Random Thoughts on Couple Therapy in a Postmodern Society. ---- DAVID E. SCHAREF, M.D. AND JILL SAVEGE SCHARFF, M.D. ---- Using Dreams in Treating Couples' Sexual Issues. ---- MARTIN S. LIVTNGSTON, PH.D., Issue Coeditor ---- Epilogue. ---- // Mothers and Daughters ---- ROSEMARY H. BALSAM, M.D. AND RUTH S. FISCHER, M.D., Issue Editors ---- Prologue. ---- PAULA P. BERNSTEIN, PH.D. ---- Mothers and Daughters from ---- Tbday's Psychoanalytic Perspective. ---- LEON HOFFMAN, M.D. ---- When Daughter Becomes Mother: ---- Inferences from Multiple Dyadic Parent-Child Groups. ---- E. KIRSTEN DAHL, PH.D. ---- "Last Night I Dreamed I Went to Manderly Again": ---- Vicissitudes of Maternal Identifications in Late ---- Female Adolescence. ---- BARBARA F. MARCUS, PH.D. ---- Female Passion and the Matrix of Mother, Daughter, and Body: ---- Vicissitudes of the Maternal Transference in the ---- Working Through of Sexual Inhibitions. ---- KATHERINE DALSIMER, PH.D. ---- Virginia Woolf: Thinking Back Through Our Mothers. ---- JOHANNA BODENSTAB, M.A. ---- Under Siege: A Mother-Daughter Relationship ---- Survives the Holocaust. ---- ALISON HICKS, M.F.A. ---- Eulogy for My Mother. ---- (u.v.a.)