
XXXVI; 486 S.; 19 cm. Goldgepr. Originalleinen.


Gutes Ex.; Einband stw. leicht berieben; wenige Seiten gebräunt. - Englisch. - James Fenimore Cooper (* 15. September 1789 in Burlington, New Jersey als James Cooper; ? 14. September 1851 in Cooperstown, New York) war ein amerikanischer Schriftsteller der Romantik. ... Cooper ist in vielerlei Hinsicht eine Schlüsselfigur der amerikanischen Literatur. Neben Washington Irving war er der erste amerikanische Schriftsteller, der von seinen Büchern leben konnte. Er blieb bis weit in das 20. Jahrhundert hinein auch in Europa der wohl meistgelesene. Nach dem Vorbild Sir Walter Scotts schrieb er die ersten historischen Romane und die ersten Seefahrtsromane der amerikanischen Literatur. Sein umfangreiches Werk umfasst weiter zahlreiche historiografische Werke, Essays und Satiren über Amerika wie Europa. Besonders bekannt sind bis heute seine fünf ?Lederstrumpf?-Romane, die die Erschließung des amerikanischen Westens durch weiße Scouts, Trapper und Siedler, aber auch die allmähliche Zurückdrängung und Vernichtung der indianischen Kultur thematisieren. ... (wiki) // " THE PIONEERS " was the first, in point of time, of the Leather-Stocking Tales, having been published in 1822. The " Spy " had just appeared, and had met with a warm reception. The glow of success was still fresh upon the author when he again decided to try "one more book." The new narrative, like that which preceded it, was, in one sense, to be connected with the history of the country; it should follow the first steps of civilization in its conquests over the wilderness, and its scenes should be enacted in the valley of the Otsego, the home of Ms own boyhood. His first childish recollections were all closely connected with the forests and hills, the fresh Clearings, new fields and homes on the banks of the Otsego. It was here his boy's strength was first tried in those Sports to which gray-headed men, amid the scenes of later life, delight to look back. From the first bow and arrow, kite and ball, to later feats in riding, fishing, swimming, skating, all were connected, during the first ten years of his life, with his highland home. Healthy, and remarkably active, he delighted in every exer-cise of the kind - a brave, blithe-hearted, impetuous, but most generous and upright lad, as he is remembered by those who knew him m childhood. Here also his education began. His first lessons were learned by the side of an eider sister, an uncommonly lovely and engaging person, who was lost to her family at the age of twenty-two by a most painful accident, a fall from her horse. ? (Introd. By Susan Fenimore Cooper)