
196 S. Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalbroschur.


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Gerard Delanty, What happens when one culture meets another? Cultural encounters and European civilisation -- Paola Massa, Trading across borders -- Christine Dupont, Perikles Christodoulou, Trading: encounters at the market place -- Hervé Drévillon, Encounters on the battlefield -- Sonja Kinzler, Eleni Vasiakosta, Warfare: a different type of encounter -- Antoine Fleury, Exchanges, meetings and negotiations: the prerequisites for peace and solidarity -- Constanze Itzel, Multilateral negotiations: evolving fora for encounters -- Christophe Charle, Capitals of culture, capitals of knowledge in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Europe -- Perikles Christodoulou, Christine Dupont, Learning: a walk through the exhibition -- Wolfgang Schmale, Cultural transfer as the operating system of European culture -- Jitka Mlsová Chmeliková, Europe at home: results of exchanges in our daily life -- Gunter Hirschfelder, Flavours: products, dishes and eating habits as the result of exchange -- Ulrich Schädler, Games: cultural exchanges through play -- Petr Klapka, Theatrical masks as an artefact of cultural transfer -- Jim Samson, Music in transit -- Francisco Vaz da Silva, Fairy-tale exchanges. ISBN 9789282389294