
8°., 78 num ff., 2 ff. (last blank), with printer s device and some initials. Contemporary vellum Graesse VI, 125; Lib. Vinciana 2249. Charming and at the time quite popular work about the secret symbolism of colours, flowers and herbs. Meant as a kind of dictionary for lovers who intend to send hidden messages to each other. The first part explains the various implications of colours, the second gives a key to the symbolism of plants, stones, minerals and other things that can represent different stages or moods in a love affair. - BOUND WITH: 2. Morato, Fulvio Pellegrino. Significato de i colori e de' mazzolli. Di nuovo con somma diligentia ristampato. Venezia, Michele Bonibelli, 1595. 8 ff., 21 num ff., 3 ff. (2 blank), with printer s device. IT/ICCU/BVEE/027371; cf. Graesse IV, 602: "ouvrage curieux sur la science des blasons et le langage des fleurs, très en vogue entre les amans". Later edition of this very popular work on the symbolism of colours and flowers, printed several times since 1535. This edition has an extensive index and at the end a list of common phrases that convey the meanings of colours. The humanist Morato was the father of the famous portestant poet Olympia Fulvia Morata. - AND with 3. Sicile (Sicillo, Sicille, possibly: Jacques d Enghien). Trattato dei colori nelle arme, nelle livree et nelle divise, di Sicillo araldo del rè Alfonso d'Aragona. Venezia, Lucio Spineda, 1606. 31 num ff., 2 f., with printer s device. Cf. Graesse I, 438 and Lib. Vinciana 2250. Italian edition of this work about the meaning of colours, originally only in heraldry. The author was harbinger to Alfonso V of Aragon, a first French edition was published in 1503 under the title "Le blason des couleurs en armes". Cicognara (178) quotes exactly this Italian edition from 1606 and says it is "non comune". - For all three works see: Don Pavey and Roy Osborne (ed.). Colour and humanism. 2003. - Little browning, some waterstaining, stronger only to the first work, binding rubbed and with small repairs - rare Sammelband with three works.