
272 S.; zahlr. Illustr.; 28 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex.; Einband gering berieben. - Italienisch, englisch. // INHALT : Album ---- Stefano Chiodi ---- Una strana gioia di vivere A strange joie de vivre ---- Bartolomeo Pietromarchi ---- Cantiere contemporaneo. Una conversazione con Marcello Maloberti ---- Contemporary worksite. A conversation with Marcello Maloberti ---- Pierre Bal-Blanc ---- Tarzan Noir ---- Maurizio Cattelan Marcello Maloberti ---- Amen. Una conversazione Amen. A conversation ---- Opere Works (1992-2012) ---- Esposizioni Performance Video ---- Exhibitions Performances Videos ---- Bibliografia Bibliography. // ? For his MACRO exhibition, Marcello Maloberti has conceived a series of interventions that weave together physical energy and compositional refinement, resistance and velocity, and order and disorder. In the first of his works, Blitz, twenty-five painted porcelain panthers form the centrepiece of a choreography whose unpredictable finale is their deafening destruction. In the second work, Katerpillar, in real-time a team of workers fashions the keen silhouette of a thunderbolt from sections of guardrail. What emerges from both of these works is a "collective body" generated by the encounter of the performers' vital energy and the resistance of things; the intensity of gesture and their unexpected beauty; and the artist's imagination and audience participation. Marcello Maloberti's performances and installations invoke the contemporary in always unpredictable ways, reactivating everyday situations and modes of behaviour while poetically revisiting the imagination of the media, our cultural memory and our collective experience. Whether in motion or motionless like tableaux vivants, his interventions target our surrounding reality from an unconventional standpoint, fuelled either by a strong dose of empathy, subtle humour, or an intense sentiment of awe. Emanating from all of Maloberti's works is his ability to observe the hidden folds of our social world from an unconventional standpoint, as he seizes an expressive and symbolic potential that at first sight might seem imperceptible. The artist beams his sharp and knowing gaze on the superabundance of objects and images characteristic of our age -and indeed its many contradictions. Two installations brought to life by performers complete the exhibition, which is the most complex and ambitious yet staged of the artist's works: in Sim Sala Bim a museum guard uses a winch to raise and lower an outsized mirror ? (Vorwort) ISBN 9788874624430