
XIV; 302 S.; Illustr.; 24 cm. Originalleinen mit illustr. Schutzumschlag.


Gutes Ex. - Englisch. // INHALT : Preface ---- List of Illustrations and Credits ---- I. Expressionist Film - Weimar Cinema ---- Activating the Differences: Expressionist Film and Early Weimar Cinema ---- DIETRICH SCHEUNEMANN ---- Weimar Cinema, Mobile Selves, and Anxious Males: Kracauer and Eisner Revisited ---- THOMAS ELSAESSER ---- II. Revolution, Crime, and the Uncanny ---- Revolution, Power, and Desire in Ernst Lubitsch's Madame Dubarry MARC SILBERMAN ---- "Bringing the Ghostly to Life": Fritz Lang and His Early Dr. Mabuse Films ---- NORBERT GROB ---- Murnau - a Conservative Filmmaker? On Film History' as Intellectual History ---- THOMAS KOEBNER ---- III. The Art of Expressionist Film ---- The Double, the Decor, and the Framing Device: Once More on Robert Wiene's ---- The Cabinet of Dr. Caliban DIETRICH SCHEUNEMANN ---- Film as Graphic Art: On Karl Heinz Martin's ---- From Morn to Midnight ---- JURGEN KASTEN ---- Episodic Patchwork: The Bric-a-Brac Principle in Paul Leni's Waxworks ---- JtTRGEN KASTEN ---- IV. The Street, the Vaudeville, and the Power of the Camera ---- Entrapment and Escape: Readings of the City in Karl Grime's The Street and G. W. Pabst's The Joyless Street ANTHONY COULSON ---- Fragmenting the Space: On E. A. Dupont's Variete THOMAS BRANDLMEIER ---- On Murnau's Faust: A Generic Gesamtkunstwerkl HELMUT SCHANZE ---- V. Avant-Garde Film ---- "Painting in Time" and "Visual Music": On German Avant-Garde Films of the 1920s ---- WALTER SCHOBERT ---- Ruttmann, Rhythm, and "Reality": A Response to Siegfried Kracauer's Interpretation of Berlin. The ---- Symphony of a Great City DAVID MACRAE ---- Filmography ---- Bibliography ---- Notes on the Contributors ---- Index. ISBN 1571130683