
2 Bde. 12 Bll., 20 S., 1 Bl., S. 97 - 284, 2 Bll., S. 285 - 403, 2 Bll.; 8 Bll., S. 405 - 572, 1 Bl., S. 573 - 654, 1 Bl., 68, 38 (recte 40) S., 2 Bll. mit 2 Kupfertiteln und zahlreichen (darunter 38 doppelblattgroßen) Kupferstichen (in der Kollation). Fol. Marmoriertes Ldr. der Zeit mit Rückenschild und Rückenvergoldung (etw. berieben, oberes Kapital von Bd. 1 mit Einriss, Gelenke leicht angeplatzt).


Erste Ausgabe dieser mit zahlreichen Ansichten, Porträts und Karten (teils doppelblattgroß, teils ganzseitig, teils gefaltet und zum Teil im Text) reich illustrierten Landeskunde von Flandern. - VD 17, 23:267123C. Graesse VI, 262. Honderd schatten uit de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie. Nr. 61. - Antonius Sanderus [Anton Sander] (1586 -1664) studied theology for some years under Malderus at Louvain, and Estius at Douai, and was ordained priest at Ghent. For some years he was engaged in parochial duties, and combated the Anabaptist movement in Flanders with great zeal and success. In 1625 he became secretary and almoner of Cardinal Alphonsus de la Cueva, later becoming canon, and in 1654 penitentiary at Ypres. After three years, however, he resigned this office to devote himself entirely to scientific, and especially to historical studies. He soon found himself compelled to claim the hospitality of the Benedictine Abbey of Afflighem, since he had reduced himself to absolute poverty by the publication of numerous works. He combined high intellectual gifts with great zeal, and left behind forty-two printed, and almost as many unprinted, works. The most important are the following: "De scriptoribus Flandriae libri III" (Antwerp, 1624); "De Gandavensibus eruditionis fama claris" (Antwerp 1624), "De Brugensibus eruditionis fama claris libri II" (Antwerp, 1624); "Hagiologium Flandriae sive de sanctis eius provinciae liber unus" (Antwerp, 1625; 2nd ed., Lille, 1639). A general edition of these four works appeared under the title: "Flandria illustrata" (2 vols., Cologne, 1641-44; The Hague, 1726). - Antonius "Sanderus signed a contract for the publication of this large work with Hondius in Amsterdam in the summer of 1634. In 1641, however, Hondius sold the rights of the book to Johan & Cornelis Blaeu. Blaeu intended to publish also a third volume, with the topographical description of the French part of Flanders, but this was never printed. Sanderus explains in the preface the etymologies of some old terms, which he had used in the text. This is followed by a general description of the geology and history of Flanders, with interesting details on the laws, language, politics, etc. There is a second edition published in 1732 and a third in 1735 (both printed in The Hague by Chr. van Lom), which contain, however, less plates". (Forum Rare Books). - "Chanoine d?Ypres, connu pour la Bibliotheca Belgica manuscripta, le théologien Antoine Sanderus (1586 - 1664) publia en 1641 et 1644 chez Jean et Corneille Blaeu, les deux premiers volumes de sa Flandria illustrata, une description du comté de Flandres. Une troisième partie, consacrée au Tournaisis et à la Flandre gallicante, devait compléter l?ensemble, mais cette édition, suite à de nombreuses difficultés, ne vit jamais le jour. La plupart des planches préparatoires - des dessins à la plume et à l?aquarelle évoquant des villes, des monuments, des abbayes, des châteaux, mais aussi des cartes et des plans - sont toutefois conservées dans le manuscrit 16823 de Bruxelles. On les attribue à Vaast Du Plouich et aux autres assistants de Sanderus". ( - Der Kupfertitel von Bd. 1 beschnitten und altaufgezogen. Beide Titel verso mit kleinem Doublettenstempel. Die Tafel "Gent" mit Randausriss (ohne Bildverlust, S. 582 mit Randeinriss bis ins Bild (ohne Verlust), S. 583 mit Eckabriss (minimaler Bildverlust). Buchblock von Bd. 2 minimalst angebrochen. Etw. gebräunt, teils stärker fleckig.