
95 S. 8°. HLdr. der Zeit (bestoßen, Rücken unter Verwendung von altem Material erneuert).


Erster Druck der ersten Ausgabe (Schlußblatt verso leer, beim zweiten Druck für Errata verwendet). - Osler 1863. Hirsch-H. I, 242. Normann, One hundred book famous in medicine. No. 45: "The book remains one of the classics of medicine". - Garrison/M. 2672: "The greatness of Auenbrugger`s discovery is of the value of immediate percusion of the chest as a diagnostic measure was not first recognized. His little book met with a cold reception, while a French translation by Roziere de Chassagne in 1770 attracted little notice. But Auenbrugger lived to see the appearence in 1808 of J. N. Corvisart`s classical translation of the book, after which the value of percussion was unversally recognized". - Titel gereinigt (alter Besitzvermerk noch erkennbar). Etw. gebräunt, einige alte Unterstreichungen in Tinte. Blatt A5 mit kl. Ausbesserung im weißen Rand.