
Romano [d. i. Francesco Valesio], Antonio Francesco Gorio Florentino [d. i. Antonio Francesco Gori], et Rodulfino Venuti Cortonense [d. i. Ridolfino Venuti] notis illustratum.. XVIII, 126 S. 85 Kupfertafeln. Gr.-4°. Mod. Interims.-Kart.


Erste Ausgabe. - Cicognara 3418: "Opera preziosa per merito dei dottissimi illustratori". - The first catalogue of bronzes, bas-reliefs, and engraved gems in the collection of the Etruscan Academy at Cortona, founded by Ridolfino Venuti and a renowned center of intellectual antiquarianism, which numbered Voltaire and Winckelmann among its members. Edited by Francesco Valesio, Ridolfino Venuti and Anton Francesco Gori, the catalogue focuses primarily on the gems, a subject in which the Etruscan scholar Gori in particular was noted for his expertise. - Titel mit kl. altem hs. Namen. Buchblock angebrochen. Unbeschnitten, leicht fleckig oder gebräunt.