
XIII, 578 S. Broschiert.


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Beitr. teilw. engl., teilw. franz. - JAN ASSMANN: Monotheism and Trauma: Reflections on Sigmund Freud, Moses and Monotheism -- ANGELIKA NEÜWIRTH: Three Religious Feasts between Narratives of Violence and Liturgies of Reconciliation -- THOMAS SCHEFFLER: The Radicalism of the Powerless: Imaginations of Violence in Three Religious Traditions -- TARIF KHALIDI: The Poetry of the Khawärij: Violence and Salvation -- RlDWAN AL-SAYYID: Abode of Peace, Abode of War: Tradition and Interpretation -- EDGARD WEBER: La codification juridique du jihad -- WAJIH KAWTHARANI: Histoire et mémoire entre croisade et jihad -- ELIAS KHOURY: On Beirut -- USSAMA MAKDISI: Revisiting Sectarianism -- YOUSSEF MOUAWAD: Exercice de dhimmitude: Patriarche Ilyas al-Huwayyik versus Jamal Pacha -- SAMIR SEIKALY: Transcending Sectarian Strife: Nafîr Suriyyah as Message and Medium -- MÄHER JARRAR: Displaced Palestinians, Religious Confrontation, and the 'Re-production' of Space in Three Contemporary Novels -- PETER VAN DER VEER: The Victims' Tale: Memory and Forgetting in the Story of Violence -- MARIO APOSTOLOV: Religion and Nationalism in the Balkans and in Lebanon -- HABIBA DJAHNINE: L'Algérie, dix ans de guerre fratricide: quelle réconciliation possible? -- HALDUN GÜLALP: Political Islam and the Culture of Democracy in Turkey : Confrontation or Accommodation? -- SAMIR KHALAF: The Radicalization of Communal Loyalties -- HANS G. KIPPENBERG: Religions and Violent Actions -- ELIZABETH PICARD: La violence milicienne et sa légitimation religieuse -- ANDREAS RlECK: A Violent "Peace-Movement": Religious World-View and Political Record of Afghanistan's Taliban, 1994-1998 -- OLIVIER CHRISTIN: Sortir des guerres de religion: principes juridiques et modèles politiques -- JULIA ECKERT: Reconciling the Mohalla: Politics of Violence and the Strength and Limits of Mediation in Bombay -- THEODOR HANF (en collaboration avec PETRA BAUERLE): Religiosité et attitudes face aux conflits et à la coexistence: Quelques perspectives empiriques comparées -- AÏ'DA KANAFANI-ZAHAR: The religion of the 'Other' as Bond: The Interreligious in Lebanon -- CHIBLIM ALL AT: Non-Violence and the Rule of Law -- ANTOINE MESSARRA: La contribution des religions à la culture de paix: le cas du Liban -- SOFIA SAADEH: Basic Issues Concerning the Personal Status Laws in Lebanon -- SAMI ZUBAIDA: The Nation-State and Religious Community in the Middle East -- JOHNDONOHUE S.J.: The Synod for Lebanon and the Apostolic Exhortation: a programmed exercise in self-criticism and reconciliation -- ASAD E. KHAIRALLAH: The Way of the Cross as a Way of Life: Bishop George Khodr's Hope in Times of War -- KARL-JOSEF KUSCHEL: Towards an Abrahamic Ecumene of Jews, Christians, and Muslims: Interfaith Dialogue in the Age of Globalization -- SAOUD EL-MAOULA: Le dialogue islamo-chrétien au Liban: histoire et problèmes -- MUHAMMAD SAMMAK: Religion and Politics: The Case of Lebanon -- DIETER SENGHAAS: Some Untimely Reflections on the Dialogue between Christians and Muslims, or Pleading for a Reorientation of the Intercultural Dialogue. ISBN 9783899130744