
276 S.; 24 cm. Originalleinen.


Gutes Exemplar; innen Bibliotheksstempel. - Englisch. // INHALT : Introduction. --- I. The Historical Development of Hypnotherapy. --- II. Methods of Inducing and Terminating Hypnosis --- The "Sleeping Methods". --- Drug Hypnosis. --- "Hypnoidization". --- "Waking Hypnosis". --- III. Susceptibility to Hypnosis. --- IV. Therapeutic Applications. --- Prolonged Hypnosis. --- Direct Suggestion of Symptom-disappearance. --- Direct Suggestion of Disappearance of Attitudes Underlying Symptoms. --- Abreaction of Traumatic Experiences --- The Use of Specialized Hypnotic Techniques. --- Hypnoanalysis. --- Supposed Dangers of Hypnotherapy. --- V. The Theory of Hypnosis. --- VI. Summary and Statement of Problems --- FOUR CASE STUDIES --- Treatment of a Case of Anxiety Hysteria by an Hypnotic Technique Employing Psychoanalytic Principles, by Merton M. Gill, M.D., and Margaret Brenman, Ph.D. --- Hypnotherapy for Mental Illness in the Aged: Hysterical Psychosis in a 71-year-old Woman, by Margaret Brenman, Ph.D., and Robert P. Knight, M.D. --- Some Techniques of Hypnoanalysis, a Case Report, by Merton M. Gill, M.D., and Karl A. Menninger, M.D. --- Self-starvation and Compulsive Hopping with Paradoxical Reaction to Hypnosis, by Margaret Brenman, Ph.D., and Robert P. Knight, M.D. --- AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY --- The Use of Hypnotic Techniques in a Study of Tension Systems, by Margaret Brenman. --- I. Introduction: Statement of the Problem. --- II. Background of the Problem. --- Critical Discussions of Psychology and Psychoanalysis. --- Investigations of the "Influence of Emotions on Memory". --- Experiments Using Hypnosis. --- The Work of Lewin and Students --- III. Accounts of the Experiments. --- The Influence on the Normal State of a "Tension System" Created in Hypnosis --- Attempts to Discharge a "Tension System" Created in Hypnosis by Task-completion in Normal State. --- Discharge of a "Tension System" Created in Hypnosis by Task-Completion in the Hypnotic State. --- The Revival of a "Tension System" by an Hypnotic "Regression". --- A Comparison of "Normal" and Hypnotic Zeigarnik Quotients. --- An Experiment on Hallucinated Task-completion in Hypnosis. --- Summary and Discussion. --- Bibliography to: Hypnotherapy: --- A Survey of the Literature. --- Bibliography to: Four Case Studies. --- Bibliography to: An Experimental Study. --- Index.