
619 S. Originalbroschur.


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - This book identifies the core problems that anse as we try to handle copyright confficts with legal tools, mechanisms and concepts that sprouted in a very différent reality. Adjusting the legal System to toda^s information environment cannot proceed as it did over the past two décades, that is, by adding another thicket of exclusivity on top of an already dysfunctional régime. The book advances a far-reaching legal reform that would commensurate with the dramatic transformations in the way works contemporarily are being created, disseminated, exploited and consumed. The organizing idea for this reform is the access-right concept. The book émisions and carefully charts the shift from a régulation that is premised on securing a bündle of automatic and obstinate exclusive rights into a system that secures a more comprehensive (yet conditioned) exclusive right to broadly cover access and communication conducts. The centerpiece of the book is an original proposai for a new copyright model designed for promoting the informational prosperity of digital cultures in an environment of high Connectivity and captivating opportunities to create, communicate and collaborate.