
VIII; 237 S.; 24 cm. Originalhardcover.


Sehr gutes Ex. - Englisch. // This project examines the important implications of printed vernacular appeals to a nascent public by the reformer William Tyndale, by religious conservatives such as Thomas More, and by Henry VIII's regime in the volatile early years of the English Reformation. The book explores the nature of this public (materially and as a discursive concept) and the various ways in which Tyndale provoked and justified public discussion of the central religious issues of his day. Tyndale's writings raised important issues of authority and legitimacy and challenged many of the traditional notions of hierarchy at the heart of early modern European society. This study analyzes how this challenge manifested itself in Tyndale's ecclesiology and his political theology. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : William Tyndale and Early Modern Appeals to the Public during the English Reformation. --- I. New Appeals to the Public between 1525 and 1535. --- II. Publics, Publicness, and the Public Sphere. --- III. The Role of Printing and Vernacularization. --- Printing. --- Vernacularization. --- IV. The Legacy of Tyndale's Translations and Theology. --- V. The Structure of the Following Study. --- "[T]he very brest of all this batayle. the questyon whyche is the chyrche": The Conflicting Ecclesiologies of William Tyndale and Thomas More. --- I. Spirituality and Temporality: Two Estates or Two Regiments?. --- II. More and Tyndale on the Church, Scripture, --- and Religious Authority. --- Thomas More's Understanding of the Church. --- William Tyndale's Understanding of the Church. --- The "pure worde of god" or "vnwritten verities": Scripture and Tradition As Competing Sources of Authority. --- III. Conclusion: Tensions in More's and Tyndale's Positions and the Implications of Their Ecclesiologies. --- Implications of Media: How Vernacularization and Printing Shaped the Content and Reception of the Writings of William Tyndale and Thomas More. --- I. The Battle of Ideas in the Theater of Material Production. --- II. Readers of Reformist Literature. --- III. Printing and Circulation. --- IV. Additional Implications of the Medium of Print. --- V. Conclusion. --- Thomas More and Henry VIII at Cross-Purposes. --- I. The English Situation in Early 1532: More's Confutation Preface. --- II. Safe Conducts for English Reformers. --- Simon Fish and the Supplication of the Beggars. --- Stephen Vaughn's Mission to the Reformers in 1531 --- III. Conclusion: More's Position Becomes Untenable. --- William Tyndale, Henry VIII, and the Royal Supremacy. --- I. Henry VIII: "Defender of the Faith" and "Supreme Head of the Church of England". --- II. Tyndale on the King and the Two Regiments. --- Kings in the Temporal Regiment. --- Kings in the Spiritual Regiment. --- III. The Royal Supremacy and Henrician Propaganda in the 1530s. --- Conclusion: Tyndale's Enduring Legacy. --- I. The Great Bible Woodcut of 1539. --- II. Cranmer's Great Bible Preface. --- III. The Religious and Political Legacies of Tyndale's Thought. --- Afterword. --- Bibliography. --- Index. ISBN 9789004232051