
384 S., broschiert.


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Shahin Mustafayev, The Diaries of Yusif Vezir Chemenzeminli: An Azerbaijani Intellectual in the Process of Acculturation -- Oliver Renner, Grigol Orbeliani Discovering Russia: A Travel Account by a Member of the Georgian Upper Class from 1831-1832 -- Olga Yaurebova, The Bukharian Emir cAbd al-Ahad's Voyage from Bukhara to St. Petersburg -- Bakbtiiar Babadzhanov, Russian Colonial Power in Central Asia as Seen by Local Muslim Intellectuals -- Aftandil Erkinov, The Conquest of Khiva (1873) from a Poet's Point of View (Shayda'i) -- Susmita Arp, Controversies about Sea Journeys to England in Nineteenth-Century Bengal -- Hans Harder, The Masters at Home: The British and Britain in Bengali Travel Accounts -- Arup Sen Gupta, One Colony, Many Worlds: The Representation of the British in the Art of Bengal from the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries -- Anindita Ghosh, Confronting the 'White Man's Burden' in India: Indigenous Perceptions of a Colonial Cultural Project -- Anisuzzaman, Masters and Subjects: British Colonisers in the View of Selected Bengali Writers in the Nineteenth Century -- Amiya P. Sen, Looking at the Coloniser: Hindu Hermeneutics and the Politics of Self-Representation in Nineteenth Century Bengal -- Benjamin Zachariah, In Search of Authenticity: Bengali Narratives of Their Past and the Coloniser's Ubiquitous Presence -- Adeeb Khalid,Visions of India in Central Asian Modernism: TheWork of Abdar-Ra'uf Fitrat -- Aleksandr Matveev, Perceptions of Central Asia by Russian Society: The Conquest of Khiva as Presented by Russian Periodicals -- Volker Adam, Ottoman Perception of Muslim Life in Russia and Central Asia -- Rudi Matthee, Between Sympathy and Enmity: Nineteenth-Century Iranian Views of the British and the Russians -- Laura Newby, Lines of Vision: Qing Representations of the Turkic Muslim Peoples of Xinjiang. ISBN 3899133595