
3 Bll., S. (583) - 829 (recte 253 S.). Kl.-8°. HLdr. der Zeit mit Rückentitel (stärker berieben und etw. bestoßen).


Erster Druck der ersten deutschen Ausgabe (im zweiten Druck wurde die Seitenzählung auf S. 1 bis 253 richtiggestellt), sehr selten. - Das erste Werk der Agrarchemie in der deutschen Bearbeitung des Johann Georg Krünitz. - "Wallerius` interest in agriculture naturally led him to pursue agricultural chemistry, especially since agriculture was of great importance for the national economy. His research proved so basic and of such scope that he was called the father of agricultural chemistry. His principal work in this field was `Agricultura fundamenta chemica .` which was published in Latin and Swedish, in parallel columns, and was later translated into German, French, Spanish, and English. Wallerius established as a fundamental, necessary principle that agricultural chemistry should be based on comparative study of the chemical composition not only of plants but also of the earth in which they grow" (DSB. XIV, 144 f). - Etw. gebräunt und leicht fleckig. Buchinnendeckel mit hs. Namen bzw. hs. Nummer.