
201 S., broschiert.


Einband berieben und papierbedingt gebräunt. Mit handschriftlicher Geschenkwidmung des Autors. Nur teilweise aufgeschnitten. Einige Bleistiftanstreichungen oder -anmerkungen. - An important factor in the constitution of human societies is the more or less pronounced disposition to assist in the punishment of criminals. It seems natural for a sociologist to raise the question how this disposition can be explained. It is a disinterested disposition, since no direct personal advantage is achieved by the act of punishing another person who has injured a third party. It is furthermore a disposition which is not equally strong in all human societies and indeed seems to be entirely lacking in some, and this precludes the explanation that it might be prompted by the expectation of protection for one's own life and property in return for the protection extended to others, for why should the cogency of such an argument be stronger in some societies than in others?