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Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
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Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
250 S. : graph. Darst. ; 21 cm kart.
Tadelloses Exemplar. - Tableof Contents -- Part I: Active Civic Participation of Immigrant in Europe -- - The general framework -- Chapter 1: Highly Active Immigrants in the Civil Society -An introduction -- Dita Vogel -- 1. Highly active immigrants as resources - research ideas and strategies 15 -- 2. Starting points of the analysis 17 -- 3. Towards a theoretical model 21 -- 4. Outline of the book 26 -- Chapter 2: Immigrants in Europe - How migration situations differ -- Ruby Gropas -- 1. Introduction 33 -- 2. EU member states as immigration countries 35 -- 3. Main immigrant paths 39 -- 4. Concluding remarks 44 -- Chapter 3: Social Capital and Political Participation of Immigrants -- in Europe - Key developments in empirkal studies -- Dirk Jacobs and Jean Tillie -- 1. Introduction 47 -- 2. Critical assessment of the 'Ethnic Civic Community' argument 48 -- 3. Research prqjects into associational membership and political participation of -- immigrants 50 -- 4. First results from empirical studies in Europe 52 -- 5. Lack of social capital: receptiveness to (muslim) radicalism 55 -- 6. Discussion 57 -- Chapter 4: Quantitative Assessment of Immigrants' Civic Activities - -- Exploring die European Social Survey -- Mariya Aleksynska -- 1. Introduction 59 -- 2. The European Social Survey: strengths and limitations 60 -- 3. Overall levels and pattems of immigrants' civic participation 63 -- 4. Difference across countries of origin and countries of destination 67 -- 5. Individual differences with respect to participation 71 -- 6. Concluding remarks 74 -- Part II: Immigrants' Ways into Activities -- - Results from the POLITIS interview study -- Chapter 5: Data and Methods of the POLITIS Interview Study -- Dita Vogel -- 1. Introduction 77 -- 2. The research partnership 79 -- 3. The interviews 80 -- 4. Interviewee selection and characteristics 83 -- 5. Remarks about methods of analysis 89 -- 6. Final remark 91 -- Chapter 6: What Motivates Civic Participation Of Immigrants? -- Antecedents and experiences Ankica Kosic -- 1. Introduction 93 -- 2. Data and methodology 95 -- 3. Motivations for civic participation 96 -- 3.1. Antecedents to civic activism 96 -- 3.2. The experience and consequences of civic activism 101 -- 4. Conclusions 106 -- Chapter 7: Becoming Active in a New Country - In search of favourable -- activation conditions Dita Vogel -- 1. Introduction 109 -- 2. Data and methodology 112 -- 3. Becoming highly active in a new country 112 -- 3.1. A model of the activation process 112 -- 3.2. Activities prior to civic organisational involvement 114 -- 3.3. Founding Immigrant organisations 115 -- 3.4. Being recruited for initial activities 117 -- 3.5. Active search 119 -- 3.6. Intensification of organisational involvement 121 -- 4. Conclusions 125 -- Chapter 8: Where Does It Start, Why Does It Orange? Trajectory patterns -- of immigrants active in mainstream political parties -- Norbert Cyrus -- 1. Introduction 129 -- 2. Data and methodology 130 -- 3. Immigrants' accounting on activism and ethnicity 132 -- 3.1. Overall combination of mainstream with Immigrant activism 133 -- 3.2. Contrastive case example: downplay of Immigrant issues? 134 -- 3.3. Diachronie evaluation: Two patterns of immigrants' activism trajectory 136 -- 4. Conclusions , 143 ISBN 9783631562031