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23.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
XXVI; 319 S.; 21 cm; kart.
Gutes Ex. - Beilage v. Volkmar Sander: Widmung an Eberhard Lämmert; SIGNIERT. - Englisch. // INHALT : Foreword: John Simon vii Introduction: Dieter P. Lotze --- WILHELM BUSCH Max and Moritz Translated by Walter Arndt Adventures of a Bachelor Translated by Walter Arndt Clement Dove, The Poet Thwarted Translated by Walter Arndt Poems --- Translated by Walter Arndt, --- Dieter P. Lotze, and John Fitzell --- CHRISTIAN MORGENSTERN --- Poems --- Translated by Max Knight and Karl F. Ross KURT TUCHOLSKY --- Essay on Man Translated by Harry Zohn The Social Psychology of Holes Translated by Harry Zohn Angler, Compleat with Piety Translated by Harry Zohn Someday Somebody Should . . . Translated by Peter Wortsman --- vi o Contents --- The Creed of the Bourgeoisie Translated by Harry Zohn Herr Wendriner Gives a Dinner Party Translated by Harry Zohn Herr Wendriner in Paris Translated by Peter Wortsman Herr Wendriner Can't Fall Asleep Translated by Peter 'Wortsman Poems --- Translated by Karl F. Ross --- ERICH KÄSTNER Poems --- Translated by Walter Kaufmann, Dieter P. Lotze, --- John Simon, Karl F. Ross, E. L. Kanes, Patrick Bridgwater, and Richard and Mary Anne Exner --- Index of Titles or First Lines. ISBN 0826402852