
235 S.; zahlr. Illustr.; 26 cm. Originalhardcover mit Schutzumschlag.


Gutes Ex.; Umschl. minimal berieben. - Englisch. // INHALT : FOREWORD --- INTRODUCTION --- GENERAL INDEX --- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- REFERENCES --- SUBSCRIBERS --- SHORT HISTORY --- TAROCCHI & ATOUTS --- THE TWENTY-TWO ATOUT CARDS --- ASIATIC CARDS --- Chinese --- HindoStanee --- Japanese --- Burmese --- Tibetan --- EUROPEAN CARDS --- Italian --- German --- French --- Spanish --- Dutch --- Belgian --- ENGLISH CARDS --- Educational --- Transformation Caricature Astrology Historical Proverbs Aesop's Fables Political Love Mottoes Heraldic MUSICAL CARDS VARIOUS --- KINGS, QUEENS, KNAVES & ACES NAMES IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES SUIT SIGNS TAXES ON CARDS EARLY MANUFACTURE GAMES, &C --- INDIAN DEITY --- STORIES OF GAMBLERS, &C INDEX. // The idea of using pieces of card, or other flat material, to represent numbers and characters is so ancient that nobody can be certain where it originated. The arrival of cards in Europe, however, can be dated to the late Middle Ages, and since then their popularity for games, for telling fortunes, even for teaching children their numbers, has endured. Despite regional variations in the name of the four suits, the basic divisions into court and other cards have lasted too. Himself a collector of unusual cards, the author has gathered together a marvellous array of different examples, some of his own, some from museums, and some from the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards, a guild given its Royal Charter in 1628. There are long, narrow cards from China; circular ivory cards from India; cards showing the Spanish Armada, others illustrating the fables of Aesop; musical cards and heraldic cards. The fortunate discovery in Charles II'sreign that England and Wales now had fifty-two administrative divisions even led to the creation of a pack of Counties. Eor over the centuries the pictures on cards have been made to entertain and inform, as well as simply to depict their values. Eullv illustrated with 16 colour plates and over 300 black and white figures, this enchanting collection is not merely a catalogue of old cards, but a miscellany of anecdote and explanation, an intriguing history of the games and pastimes of centuries gone by. (Verlagstext) ISBN 1851703306