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34.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
X; 362 S. mit zahlr. Illustr. auf Tafelseiten; 19 cm. Originalleinen.
Gutes Ex.; Einband etwas berieben. - Dünndruck. // Englisch. - INHALT : EDITOR S PREFACE --- Part One LUCREZIA BORGIA IN ROME --- I. Lucrezia's Father. --- II. Lucrezia's Mother. --- III. Lucrezia's First Home --- IV. Lucrezia's Education --- V. Nepotism-Giulia Farnese-Lucrezia's Betrothals --- VI. Her Father becomes Pope-Giovanni Sforza --- VII. Lucrezia's First Marriage --- VIII. Family Affairs. --- IX. Lucrezia Leaves Rome --- X. History and Description of Pesaro. --- XL The Invasion of Italy-The Profligate World --- XII. The Divorce and Second Marriage. --- XIII. A Regent and a Mother --- XIV. Social Life of the Borgias. --- XV. Misfortunes of Catarina Sforza --- XVI. Murder of Alfonso of Aragon --- XVII. Lucrezia at Nepi. --- XVIII. Cesare at Pesaro. --- XLX. Another Marriage Planned for Lucrezia --- XX. Negotiations with the House of Este --- XXI. The Eve of the Wedding. --- XXII. Arrival and Return of the Bridal Escort --- Part Two LUCREZIA BORGIA IN FERRARA --- I. Lucrezia's Journey to Ferrara --- II. Formal Entry into Ferrara. --- III. Fetes Given in Lucrezia's Honour. --- IV. The Este Dynasty-Description of Ferrara. --- V. Death of Alexander VI. --- VI. Events Following the Pope's Death --- VII. Life and History at the Court of Ferrara. --- VIII. Escape and Death of Cesare Borgia --- IX. Murder of Ercole Strozzi-Death of Giovanni Sforza --- and of Lucrezia's Eldest Son --- X. Effects of the War-The Roman Infante --- XI. Last Years and Death of Vannozza. --- XII. Death of Lucrezia Borgia-Conclusion --- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE GENEALOGICAL TABLES --- Family Tree of the Borgias --- The Descendants of Pope Alexander VI --- CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE FACSIMILES --- A letter from Pope Alexander VI. A letter from Lucrezia Borgia --- PLATES. --- NOTES ON THE PLATES. --- INDEX.